Welcome to my first blog


Hello my beautiful people! If you don’t already know me, my name is Eliza DelaPaz and although I carry the title Coach, I am not here to coach you. I’m here to walk next to you on this self-love jouney we are all walking. What you have yet to realize is that everything you need is already inside of you – locked away in a very safe place. I’m here to simply lead you back to that which you always were and always will be. You will find that throughout your life you have experienced events that have brought you here today, these events have creating layers of armor. That armor is exactly how you made it to this moment right now, if you didn’t have that armor, you wouldn’t have survived. together we will dismantle that armor, and allow that safe place within to rise up to the surface and shine bright, touching every life that you greet, every moment that you breathe, and every success that you meet.

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Hi' Im Relax with eliza

Hello my beautiful people! If you don’t already know me, my name is Eliza DelaPaz and although I carry the title Coach, I am not here to coach you.


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